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第七届中医药现代化国际科技大会 —分会三 中药资源创新与可持续发展 征文通知

来源: 发布时间:2022-10-20 17:08:20 浏览次数: 【字体:


——分会三 中药资源创新与可持续发展



由中华人民共和国科学技术部、国家中医药管理局等部委和四川省人民政府等主办,必赢体育app下载,必赢体育药学院/现代中药产业学院、西南特色中药资源国家重点实验室承办的第七届中医药现代化国际科技大会——分会三 中药资源创新与可持续发展,将于2022年11月25-26日在四川成都举行。










1. 来稿时寄送300~500字摘要(国内来稿寄中英文摘要,国外来稿寄英文摘要)及关键词(8个以内),并附中、英文一致的题目、作者姓名及单位(英文摘要须隔行打印,为审译修改留出空间)。中、英文摘要可结合课题背景(政治、经济、文化背景)撰写,以指导阅读,使读者获得更多信息。

2. 来稿须列出题目、作者姓名、工作单位(全称)、地名(城市)及邮政编码。多位作者的署名之间,应用空格隔开。不同工作单位的作者,应在姓名之后标注作者工作单位,并列出单位所在地名、邮政编码。

3. 来稿若属于国家(委、部、局、自然基金)、省(厅、局)、高校及大专院校资助的课题,请按顺序注明课题的立项主管部门、所属计划、课题编号、课题名称、课题负责人。

4. 来稿请注明第一作者和通讯作者的详细信息(姓名、学历、职称/职务、主要研究方向、电话或E-mail),以便读者联系、交流。

5. 来稿务必书写清楚论文联系人姓名、单位、地址、邮政编码、联系电话和电子邮箱,以便联系。

6. 截稿日期:2022年11月06日

7. 联系人: 徐菲菲







分会三 秘书处


?The 7th International Conference on

the Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine

---Panel 3 Sustainable Innovation Development of Chinese Medicinal Material Resources

Call for coference papers

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an important portion of the world’s medical science. Chinese medicinal material resources is an important material foundation to prevent and cure diseases for people all over the world as well. The increasing demand of the Chinese medicinal material results in decreasing the total and average procession of the resource gradually. Thus, effective use of Chinese herbal medicine resources reserves, continuous development and utilization of resources is a top priority.

The 7th International Conference on the Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)--- Panel 3 Sustainable Development of Chinese medicinal material Resources will be held in Chengdu, on November 25th-26th, 2022. It is co-sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology, National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sichuan Provincial People's Government, and other state authorities. The Conference is undertaken by Chengdu University of TCM, School of Pharmacy / School of Modern Chinese Medicine Industry,Key Laboratory of Southwestern Characteristic Traditional Chinese Medicine Resource.

With the theme of “Sustainable Innovation Development of Chinese Medicinal Material Resources”, the Conference will be held based on traditional medicine and the frontiers of science. The conservation, evaluation, development and utilization of Chinese Medicinal Material Resources will be discussed from multi-angles for the purpose of sustainable utilization and development. The post-doctoral forum will also be held. The Conference is expected to facilitate academic advances and experiences interchange, promote friendships and seek mutual development opportunities.

Secretariat of Panel 3 warmly invites officials, scholars, entrepreneurs, international organizations, research institutes, medical institutes, universities and enterprises to speak widely. Participants will discuss the great course of the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine, jointly accelerate the process of modernization and internationalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and seek ways to benefit human health.

The committee is now calling for papers worldwide with aims to promote academic exchanges and disseminate research findings.


1.Innovative multidimensional evaluation on medicinal materials;

2.Novel model and strategy of Chinese medicinal material cultivation;

3.Sustainable utilization of Chinese medicinal material resources.

II.Solicitation for Abstracts

Abstracts should be submiited to pharmacy_cdutcm@163.com with a file named of “paper-writer’s name-writer’s institute”. Abstracts should be on the theme of “Sustainable Innovation Development of Chinese Medicinal Material Resources”. The abstract will be compiled and printed by the secretariat of Panel 3 and the Academic Committee will make an electrical documentation of the papers and print out the abstract for each attendee. The requirements are as followed:

1. Please send the abstract of 300-500 words (Abstract both in English and Chinese for domestic papers, abstract only in English for foreign papers) and less than eight key words with Chinese and English titles, writer’s names and department (A margin line must be put aside for language revision). Both Chinese and English abstract can be written according to the topic background (such as politics, economics and culture background) to convey more information to the readers.

2. The title,writer’s names, institute (full name), location (cities) and post code must be listed on the manuscript. If there are co-writers, please separate the names with a space. Co-writers from different working departments should mark their working department, address, post codes after their own names.

3. If the manuscript is sponsored by national (ministry, department, bureau and natural fund), provincial (sub-ministry and bureau) colleges and universities, please mark the department in charge, project plan, project number, name and responsible person in order.

4. The manuscript should mark detailed introduction to the first author and corresponding author (including name, professional title, research direction, phone number and e-mail address), so that the readers can keep in contact and communicate with the author.

5. The manuscript must have the name, working department, address, post code, phone number and e-mail address of the corresponding person.

6. Deadline: November 6, 2022.

7.Contact Person: Feifei XU

Address: No. 1166, Liutai Road, Wenjiang District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, R. P. China.

Post Code: 611137

Tel: 86-28-61800231

Fax: 86-28-61800231

E-mail: pharmacy_cdutcm@163.com


Secretariat of Panel 3

October 19,2022

