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来源: 发布时间:2021-07-13 09:06:06 浏览次数: 【字体:



胡红,必赢体育app下载,必赢体育副教授,硕士生导师,中国科学院上海生物化学与细胞生物学研究所细胞生物学博士,入选国家“博士后创新人才支持计划”和四川省“天府峨眉计划”青年人才等,获“中国科学院优秀毕业生”和“北京市优秀毕业生”等荣誉。主要从事天然药物对神经退行性疾病的作用机理研究。以第一或通讯作者Cell Death & Differentiation和Nature Communications等国际期刊发表论文



[1] Hu H#, Wu XL#, Wu GX, Nan N, Zhang J, Zhu XX, Zhang Y, Shu ZQ, Liu J, Liu XY, Lu JX*, Wang HY*. RIP3-mediated necroptosis is regulated by inter-filament assembly of RIP homotypic interaction motif. Cell Death Differ, 2021, 28: 251-266. (IF=15.828)

[2] Wu XL#, Hu H#, Dong XQ, Zhang J, Wang J, Schwieters CD, Liu J, Wu GX, Li B, Lin JY, Wang HY*, Lu JX*. The amyloid structure of mouse RIPK3 (receptor interacting protein kinase 3) in cell necroptosis. Nat Commun, 2021, 12: 1627-1640. (IF=14.919)

[3] Hu H*, Wu GX, Shu ZQ, Yu DD, Nan N, Yuan FY, Liu XY, Wang HY*. ICP6 Prevents RIP1 Activation to Hinder Necroptosis Signaling. Front Cell Dev Biol, 2020, 8: 1257-1265. (IF=6.684)

[4] Wu XL, Ma YY, Zhao K, Zhang J, Sun YP, Li YC, Dong XQ, Hu H, Liu J, Wang J, Zhang X, Li B, Wang HY, Li D, Sun B, Lu JX*, Liu C*. The structure of a minimum amyloid fibril core formed by necroptosis-mediating RHIM of human RIP3. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2021, 118: e2022933118-e2022933218. (IF=11.205)

[5] Xia BQ, Sui F, Chen XQ, Hu H, Chen PY, Wang HY*, Gao ZB*. MLKL forms cation channels. Cell Res, 2016, 26: 517-528. (IF=46.297)

[6] Zhang J, Yang Y, Zhou SA, He XY, Cao X, Wu CL, Hu H, Qin J, Wei G, Wang HY, Liu SL*, Sun LM*. Membrane bound TNF mediates microtubule-targeting chemotherapeutics-induced cancer cytolysis via juxtacrine inter-cancer-cell death signaling. Cell Death Differ, 2020, 27: 1569-1587. (IF=15.828)

[7] Zhu XX, Yang N, Yang Y, Yuan FY, Yu DD, Zhang Y, Shu ZQ, Nan N, Hu H, Liu XY, Chen S, Sun LM* and Wang HY*. Spontaneous necroptosis and autoinflammation are blocked by an inhibitory phosphorylation on MLKL during neonatal development. Cell Res, 2021, 32: 407-410. (IF=46.297)

[8] Guo K, Zhou TT, Ren X, Li D, Hu H, Liu YC, Liu Y, Li SH*. Secoiridoids and triterpenoids from the traditional Tibetan medicine Gentiana veitchiorum and their immunosuppressive activity. Phytochemistry, 2021, 192: 112961-112966. (IF=4.072)

[9] Guo K, Ren X, Mu RF, Zhou TT, Li D, Hu H, Liu Y, Li SH*. Ecdysteroids and spirosterane steroids from the traditional Chinese medicine Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis. Phytochemistry Letters, 2021, 45: 117-120. (IF=1.679)

[10] Liu J, Yan Q, Wang LX, He XP, Hu H, Liu YC, Li D, Liu Y, Guo K, Li SH, Secoiridoids from the traditional Chinese medicine Swertia pseudochinensis. Phytochemistry, 2023: 113642. (IF=4.004)

[11] Yuan X, Yan Q, Hu H, He XP, Wang LX, Liu YC, Liu Y, Guo K, Li SH, Bioactive triterpenoids from the traditional Chinese medicine Swertia mileensis. Phytochemistry Letters, 2023, 55: 1-5. (IF=1.873)

[12] Guo K, Ren X, Zhou TT, Li T, Liu YC, Tao Y, Hu H, Li D, Liu Y, Li SH, Secondary metabolites from the Mongolian medicine Lomatogonium carinthiacum. Fitoterapia 2022, 165: 105402. (IF=3.204)

[13] Ren X, Yuan X, Jiao SS, He XP, Hu H, Kang JJ, Luo SH, Liu Y, Guo K, Li SH. Clerodane diterpenoids from the Uygur medicine Salvia deserta with immunosuppressive activity. Phytochemistry. 2023, 214:113823. (IF=4.072)
