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Epidemic Prevention Regulations for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia in Wenjiang District, Chengdu City

来源: 发布时间:2020-02-11 11:24:00 浏览次数: 【字体:


Prevention and Control Regulations for the Elderly


(Key Population)


1.The elderly should be ensured to thoroughly understand personal protection measures, hand hygiene requirements, as well as hygiene and health habits to prevent novel coronavirus pneumonia, avoid sharing personal items, maintain proper ventilation, implement disinfection measures, and maintain frequent and thorough hand washing.



2. The following measures shall be taken in the event that the elderly manifest suspicious symptoms of infection including fever, dry cough, sore throat, tightness in chest, dyspnea, weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, and sore muscles:


(1)The elderly should isolate themselves and avoid close contact with others.



(2)Medical workers should examine their health and transfer them from the town (subdistrict) medical institution to a larger hospital for treatment based on their medical condition. They shall wear surgical masks on the way to see the doctor and avoid taking public transportation as much as possible.



(3)People who have had close contact with those manifesting suspicious symptoms of infection and not wearing any effective protection shall immediately report to the local village (community) for registration and receive centralized isolation and medical observation.



(4)The elderly should avoid any unnecessary parties, gatherings, other group activities, and any collective meals.

(5)若出现可疑症状的老人被确诊为新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎,其密切接触者应接受 14 天医学观察。病人离开后(如住院、死亡等),区疾控中心应及时对住所进行终末消毒,未消毒前,该住所不建议使用。

(5)If an elderly person with suspicious symptoms is confirmed to be infected with the novel coronavirus pneumonia, those in close contact shall be under medical observation for 14 days. After a patient leaves his/her domicile (because of hospitalization, death, etc.), the District Center for Disease Control shall promptly disinfect the domicile and the domicile is not recommended for residential  use before undergoing disinfection.


Prevention and Control Regulations for Children


(Key Population)


1.Children should not go to any crowded places or attend events.



2.Children should ensure wearing a mask when going out and remind their parents and grandparents of the same.



3.Children should regulate their work and free time, maintain healthy dietary habits, wash hands carefully before meals and after using the washroom, and exercise with their parents.



4.Children should get into the habit of covering their mouths and noses with tissues or an elbow when sneezing or coughing.


5. Children should cooperate with their parents and immediately go to the hospital for medical treatment in the event of fever or illness.


Prevention and Control Regulations for Students


(Key Population)


I.During winter vacation

(一)疫情高发地区(如湖北、温州、广州、深圳、重庆等地区)学生,在未解除突发公共卫生事件Ⅰ级响应前,不得返温; 有疫情高发地区居住史或旅行史的学生,自离开疫情高发地区返温后,应居家或在指定场所医学观察 14 天。

(1)Students in regions with high incidence of epidemic infection (such as Hubei, Wenzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Chongqing) are not permitted to return to Wenjiang until the first-level public health emergency response is lifted. Students that once resided in or travelled to regions with high incidence of epidemic infection shall receive medical observation at home or a designated location for 14 days after leaving the above-mentioned regions and returning to Wenjiang.



(2)Students should remain at home as much as possible and minimize visiting relatives and friends, gatherings, and activities at crowded public venues, especially those with poor ventilation.

(三)建议学生每日进行体温监测 2 次,并根据村(社区)


(3)It is recommended that students have their body temperature monitored twice a day and report the results to the individual designated by the village (community) or school according to the requirements.


察期满 14 天后,学生如无可疑症状,可正常返校。如有可疑症状,应报告学校或由监护人报告学校,及时就医,待痊愈后再返校。

(4)Students who have a history of residence or travel in regions with a high incidence of epidemic infection shall be permitted to return to school normally if no suspicious symptoms emerge after 14 days of medical observation; students who manifest suspicious symptoms should report to the school, or their guardians should, immediately seek medical treatment, and return to school only once recovered.


II.On the way back to school

(一)乘坐公共交通工具时全程佩戴医用外科口罩或 N95


(1)Students should wear a surgical mask or N95 mask when taking public transportation. Passengers not wearing masks in accordance with relevant regulations may be refused passage.



(2)Students should maintain clean hands at all times and minimize contact with public items in and facilities of the vehicle.


(3)Students should monitor their health while traveling and measure their own body temperature when feeling feverish.



(4)Students should be mindful of nearby passengers’ health and avoid close contact with people showing suspicious symptoms.


N95 口罩,尽量避免接触其他人员,并视病情及时就医。

(5)Students should wear a surgical mask or N95 mask, avoid contact with others, and seek immediate medical treatment based on their condition if suspicious symptoms occur during a trip.



(6)Students should inform their doctor of their travel history and residence in regions with a high incidence of epidemic infection, and cooperate with their doctor during any relevant investigations if they need to go to a medical institution for treatment while on a trip.



(7)Students should keep their travel tickets or receipts to facilitate investigation on persons that might have had close contact with a patient.

学校(幼儿园)、托幼机构防控规范Prevention and Control Regulations for School (Kindergarten) and Child Care Institution


(Specific Venue)

1.疫情高发地区(如湖北、温州、广州、深圳、重庆等地区) 学生,在未解除突发公共卫生事件Ⅰ级响应前,不得返温;有疫情高发地区居住史或旅行史的学生,自离开疫情高发地区返温后,应居家或在指定场所医学观察 14 天。

1.Students in regions with high incidence of epidemic infection (such as Hubei, Wenzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Chongqing) are not permitted to return to Wenjiang until the first-level public health emergency response is lifted. Students that once resided in or travelled to regions with high incidence of epidemic infection shall receive medical observation at home or a designated location for 14 days after leaving the above-mentioned regions and returning to Wenjiang.



2.Students should monitor their body temperature and health daily, minimize unnecessary outings to the greatest extent and avoid

contact with others after returning to school.

3.学生与其他师生发生近距离接触的环境中,要正确佩戴医用外科口罩或 N95 口罩,尽量缩小活动范围。

3.Students should wear surgical masks or N95 masks correctly and minimize the range of activities where they would be in close contact with other students and teachers.



4.The school should closely monitor all students’ health, conduct temperature checks twice a day, and record any absences, early leaves, and leave requests; immediately report to epidemic management staff and cooperate with medical and health care institutions on managing persons in close contact with one another and disinfection measures if students are found with suspicious symptoms.



5.The school should avoid organizing large-scale collective activities. We recommend boosting ventilation in and sanitation of

classrooms, dormitories, libraries, activity centers, canteens, auditoriums, teacher’s offices, toilets, and other activity areas and equipping them with hand sanitizer, hand disinfectant, etc.



6. The school should conduct online teaching and make-up lessons for students who missed classes due to the epidemic. For those who missed exams due to the epidemic, make-up exams shall be arranged and any missed exams shall not be recorded.


Prevention and Control Regulations for Workplace


(Specific Venue)

1.工作人员要自行健康监测,若出现新型冠状病毒感染的可疑症状(包括发热、咳嗽、咽痛、胸闷、呼吸困难、乏力、恶心呕吐、腹泻、结膜炎、肌肉酸痛等)时,应立即去医疗机构就诊, 待症状消失后方可返岗。

1.Staff should monitor their individual health and go to a medical institution for treatment in the event of suspicious symptoms of the novel coronavirus infection (including fever, dry cough, sore throat, tightness in chest, dyspnea, weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, and sore muscles). Staff shall return to work only after all symptoms have dissipated.



2.If any staff members are suspected of being infected with the novel coronavirus, they should immediately report to the local town (subdistrict) medical institution, and accept being transferred to a

designated medical institution for medical observation and treatment according to relevant procedures.


3.Staff should clean and disinfect public items and public use items, etc. daily.



4.Staff should maintain a well-ventilated workplace, refrain from using central air-conditioning, and open windows to aid air circulation.



5.Staff should equip bathrooms with sufficient liquid soap and ensure normal operation of water supply facilities, such as faucets.


6. Staff should maintain a sanitary and hygienic working environment, and promptly dispose of garbage.


Prevention and Control Regulations for Urban Public Transport Vehicles


(Specific Venue)


1.Staff should pragmatically organize transportation capacity and reduce the congestion of carriages according to passenger flow.



2.If conditions like comfortable temperatures and driving speed allow, turn off air conditioning in the vehicle and open the windows for better ventilation. If the air-conditioning system has to be used, increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfection.


3.The vehicle shall be cleaned and disinfected before each shift.



4.Passengers, attendants, and drivers are all required to wear

masks. Passengers shall remain quiet, reduce exchanges, and cover their mouths and noses with tissues or elbows when sneezing.


5.Passengers not wearing masks in accordance with relevant regulations may be refused passage.



6.For cases where a passenger vomits, vehicles shall be equipped with disinfectant to be used to cover and disinfect vomit, and disinfect object surfaces after the vomit is removed.


7. Drivers should conduct publicity on health care and personal protection knowledge through radio, video, posters, etc. in the carriage.


Prevention and Control Regulations for Public Places


(Specific Venue)


1.Staff working in public places should monitor their own health and immediately go to the nearest medical institution for treatment in the event of suspicious symptoms of the novel coronavirus infection. Staff should return to work only after all symptoms have dissipated and the medical institution eliminates any possibility of infection.



2.If staff members are suspected of being infected with the novel coronavirus, they should immediately report to the local town (subdistrict) medical institution, and accept being transferred to

designated medical institution for medical observation and treatment according to relevant procedures.


3.Staff should clean and disinfect public items and public use items, etc. daily.



4.Staff should maintain a well-ventilated workplace, refrain from using central air-conditioning, and open windows to aid air circulation.



5.Staff should equip bathrooms with sufficient liquid soap and ensure normal operation of water supply facilities, such as faucets.


6.Staff should maintain a sanitary and hygienic working environment, and promptly dispose of garbage.



7. The public should minimize going to public places, especially those with large crowds and poor ventilation.


Prevention and Control Regulations for Isolation at Home


(Specific Venue)


I.Living space arrangement


(1)Those showing suspicious symptoms are required to reside in a well-ventilated single room and refuse all visitors.


少保持 1 米距离,分床睡。可疑症状者应减少活动,限制居住空间,确保需要共用的空间(如厨房和卫生间)通风良好(保持窗户持续开放)。

(2)Family members should live in separate rooms. If conditions do not permit, they should sleep in separate beds at a distance of at least 1m. Those showing suspicious symptoms shall reduce activities, limit their living space, and ensure that shared spaces (such as kitchens and bathrooms) are well-ventilated

(windows remain open).


II.Caregiver arrangements


The caregiver should remain as one family member in good health and free from chronic diseases.


III.Transmission prevention


Family members and those with suspicious symptoms staying in the same room should wear surgical masks that closely fit tight to their faces, maintain clean hands at all times, avoid direct contact with bodily fluids, and do not share any items that may cause infection by indirect contact.


IV.Waste treatment


Used gloves, tissues, masks, and other waste materials shall be placed in a garbage bag in the patient’s room, marked as waste, sealed and then discarded.



V.Immediately stop isolation at home but report to the town (subdistrict) medical institution if the following symptoms occur.


(1)Dyspnea (including increasing tightness in chest, belching, and panting after exertion).


(2)Consciousness problems (including somnolence, talking nonsense, and inability to distinguish day and night).



(四)高烧超过 39℃。

(4)High fever (exceeding 39℃).


(5)Other family members showing suspicious symptoms of the novel coronavirus infection.

大专院校、职业技术学校防控规范Prevention and Control Regulations for Universities, Colleges, and Vocational-technical Schools


(Specific Venue)


I.Daily preventive and control


(I)A variety of health education on prevention and control against respiratory infectious diseases shall be incorporated into the daily routine, including teaching students to cover their noses and mouths when sneezing and promptly washing their hands, and enhancing their awareness on disease prevention.



(II)All locations of the school shall be kept clean and well ventilated.


(III)After every class is held, public classrooms (like music room, dance room, and computer room) shall be immediately disinfected.



(IV)Unnecessary activities, such as large gatherings of students and teachers and conferences shall be reduced.



(V)Hand hygiene education shall be implemented, and areas in the school should be equipped with faucets and liquid soap for hand washing.



(VI)Any teacher or student with fever, coughing, and other respiratory tract infection symptoms shall wear surgical masks and immediately seek medical care and are prohibited from returning to the school until they are symptom-free.

(七)学校校医室(院)要储备一定数量(1 周用量)的医


(VII)Surgical masks, disposable gloves, liquid soap and cold medicines in an appropriate amount (adequate for one-week use) are a must-have for the school infirmary (hospital). The morning and afternoon checking system and system of registration and tracking for absence shall be implemented by specially-appointed personnel.



(VIII)In a bid to improve the channels of information collection and reporting and ensure information unblocked, a contact mechanism between relevant departments and personnel of the school, between the school and parents, and between the school and local town (subdistrict) medical institution and District Education Bureau shall be established and continuously enhanced.


等地区还未返温的,请其推迟返温时间,如已返温的,请其到隔离场所隔离自离开湖北等地区 14 天。

(IX)The students’ travel to Hubei shall be known ahead of time. The students that traveled to Hubei and have not returned to

Wenjiang shall be requested to postpone return time and those that have returned to Wenjiang shall be requested to stay in an isolated venue for 14 days since their departure from Hubei.



II.In the event of suspected cases of novel coronavirus infection with symptoms including fever, weakness, dry cough and tightness in chest, daily prevention and control shall be conducted properly, accompanied by the following measures:



(I)The school shall inform the local town (subdistrict) medical institution immediately and provide the suspected person with surgical mask. The suspected case shall be transferred to an appropriate hospital for diagnosis and treatment by the local town (subdistrict) medical institution.


(II)The case shall be reported to the District Center for Disease Control and the District Education Bureau.


应接受 14 天隔离医学观察。

(III)Anyone in close contact with a confirmed case of novel coronavirus pneumonia should be isolated for medical observation for 14 days.


(IV)A class-based morning and afternoon check system shall be implemented.



(V)Personnel specially appointed by the school shall visit students that left the school due to their health.



(VI)As required by the District Center for Disease Control, the daily reporting and zero-fill system shall be implemented to know the increase and decrease in infected students.


(VII)Cooperation shall be extended when the District Health Bureau deals with any epidemic issues.



(VIII)As guided by the District Center for Disease Control,

classrooms, dormitories, public computer and audio-visual classrooms, and libraries, etc. shall be disinfected and well-ventilated.


III.Daily cleaning and preventive disinfection


The focus should emphasize cleaning, supplemented with preventive disinfection in a bid to avoid excessive disinfection. When contaminated, the environment and items should be cleaned and disinfected afterwards. Disinfection methods are specified as follows:

(一)表面:可使用含氯消毒剂(有效氯浓度 250 mg/L~

500 mg/L)擦拭,作用 30min,再用清水擦净。

(I)Object surfaces: Utilize a chlorine-containing disinfectant (effective chlorine concentration of 250-500 mg/L) and leave for 30 min, and then wipe down with clean water.

(二)地面:可使用含氯消毒剂(有效氯浓度 250 mg/L~

500 mg/L)用拖布湿式拖拭,作用 30min,再用清水洗净。

(II)Floor: Mop with a wet mop soaked in a chlorine-containing disinfectant (effective chlorine concentration of 250-500 mg/L) and

leave for 30 min and then mop with clean water.


IV.Common disinfectants, preparation, and use

(一)有效氯浓度 500 mg/L 的含氯消毒剂配制方法:

(I)Prepare a chlorine-containing disinfectant with an effective chlorine concentration of 500 mg/L:

1.84 消毒液(有效氯含量 5%):按消毒液:水为 1:100 比例


1.84 disinfectant (5% effective chlorine content): Dilute at a disinfectant/water ratio of 1:100;

2.消毒粉(有效氯含量 12-13%,20 克/包):1 包消毒粉加

4.8 升水;

2.Disinfectant powder (12-13% effective chlorine content, 20 g/bag): 1 bag of disinfectant powder plus 4.8 L of water;

3.含氯泡腾片(有效氯含量 480mg/片-580mg/片):1 片溶于

1 升水。

3. Chlorine-containing effervescent tablets (effective chlorine content: 480-580 mg/tablet): 1 tablet dissolved in 1 L of water.


(II)75% ethanol disinfectant: Use directly.



(III)Other disinfectants should be prepared and used according to their respective product labels and diluted to the effective concentration for killing pathogenic bacteria.




(I)Since chlorine-containing disinfectants are irritating to skin and mucosa, it is recommended to wear masks and gloves during preparation and use. These disinfectants shall be kept out of children’s reach.


(II)The ethanol disinfectant shall be kept away from fire.


Hygiene and Disinfection Regulations for Ordinary Families


I.Home environment

每天开窗通风,不能自然通风的可采用排气扇等机械通风; 每天清洁家居,保持家居环境和物品清洁卫生。

Open windows for ventilation on a daily basis. In cases where natural ventilation is unavailable, ventilators, including exhaust fans should be installed. Clean your home every day to keep the environment and articles hygienic.


II.Personal hygiene

1.尽量避免到人群密集通风不良的公共场所,必要时可佩戴一次性医用口罩,与别人谈话时尽量保持 1 米以上距离,回家后请第一时间用洗手液和流动水洗手或用含醇的手消毒剂进行手卫生。

1.Avoid appearing in crowded and poorly ventilated public places, wear a disposable surgical mask if possible, and try to maintain a distance of over 1m when chatting to others. Wash your

hands with liquid soap and running water or hand sanitizer containing ethanol as soon as you get home.



2.Wear a disposable surgical mask when appearing in agricultural product markets, shopping malls, supermarkets, and other public places, and try to avoid coming into contact with live poultry. Avoid purchasing, killing, and coming into contact with wildlife.



3.Mind your coughing and hand hygiene. Cover your mouth and nose with tissue or do so into the elbow crook when coughing, spitting, or sneezing. Wash your hands with running water and liquid soap upon contact with bodily fluids, pets, or poultry, before meals and after using the bathroom, before and after your wiping eyes, contact with those who are unwell, etc.


4.One towel should be used by just one person and hung in a

dry and well-ventilated place.


5.Tissue paper and surgical masks shall be thrown into the trash can with a lid and a plastic bag that shall be placed in the corresponding waste bin after being tied up on a daily basis.



6. In the event of symptoms like fever, coughing, and weakness, or recent contact with wildlife or patients with fever and cough, please wear a disposable surgical mask and immediately seek medical care.


III.Daily cleaning and preventive disinfection

环境及物品以清洁为主,预防性消毒为辅,应避免过度消毒, 受到污染时随时进行清洁消毒。消毒方法如下:

The focus shall emphasize cleaning the environment and items, supplemented with preventive disinfection in a bid to avoid excessive disinfection. When contaminated, the environment and

items should be cleaned and disinfected afterwards. Disinfection methods are specified as follows:

1.餐饮具和茶具:首选物理消毒,煮沸 15-30min,或按说

明书使用高温消毒箱(柜)消毒;也可使用含氯消毒剂(有效氯浓度 250 mg/L~500 mg/L)浸泡 30 min 后,再用清水漂洗干净。

1.Tableware and tea set: Physical disinfection is the first choice, namely boiled for 15-30 min, or disinfected in a high temperature disinfection box (cabinet) according to the instructions; or soaked in a chlorine-containing disinfectant (effective chlorine concentration  of 250-500 mg/L) for 30 min and rinsed with clean water.


洗手盆、坐便器等经常接触的物体表面,可使用含氯消毒剂(有效氯浓度 250 mg/L~500 mg/L)擦拭,作用 30min,再用清水擦净。

2.Object surfaces: Object surfaces that are frequently touched, including countertops, door handles, telephones, switches, kettle handles, wash basins, and toilets should be wiped down with a chlorine-containing disinfectant (effective chlorine concentration of 250-500 mg/L) and left for 30 min, and then wiped down with clean water.

3.地面:可使用含氯消毒剂(有效氯浓度 250 mg/L~500 mg/L)用拖布湿式拖拭,作用 30min,再用清水洗净。

3.Floor: Floor should be mopped with a mop soaked in a chlorine-containing disinfectant (effective chlorine concentration of 250-500 mg/L) and left for 30 min and then mopped again with clean water.


效氯浓度 250 mg/L~500 mg/L)浸泡 30min,再用清水漂洗干净。(注意:含氯消毒剂对织物有漂白作用),或采用其它衣物消毒液按说明书使用。

4. Ordinary fabric: Towels, clothing, quilts, etc. can be soaked in a chlorine-containing disinfectant (effective chlorine concentration of 250-500 mg/L) for 30 min and then rinsed with clean water. Since chlorine-containing disinfectant may bleach fabrics, other clothing-friendly disinfectant may be used according to their individual instructions.


IV.Common disinfectants, preparation, and use

1.有效氯浓度 500 mg/L 的含氯消毒剂配制方法:

1.Prepare a chlorine-containing disinfectant with an effective chlorine concentration of 500 mg/L:

(1)84 消毒液(有效氯含量 5%):按消毒液:水为 1:100


(1)84 disinfectant (5% effective chlorine content): Dilute at a disinfectant/water ratio of 1:100;

(2)消毒粉(有效氯含量 12-13%,20 克/包):1 包消毒粉

加 4.8 升水;

(2)Disinfectant powder (12-13% effective chlorine content, 20 g/bag): 1 bag of disinfectant powder plus 4.8 L of water;

(3)含氯泡腾片(有效氯含量 480mg/片-580mg/片):1 片

溶于 1 升水。

(3)Chlorine-containing effervescent tablets (effective chlorine content: 480-580 mg/tablet): 1 tablet dissolved in 1 L of water.


2.75% ethanol disinfectant: Use directly.


3. Other disinfectants should be prepared and used according to their respective product labels and diluted to the effective concentration for killing pathogenic bacteria.




1.Since chlorine-containing disinfectants are irritating to skin and mucosa, it is recommended to wear masks and gloves during preparation and use. These disinfectants shall be kept out of children’s reach.


2. The ethanol disinfectant shall be kept away from fire.