
Important Announcement

Notice on Regulating the Conducts of Students During the Epidemic Period

来源: 发布时间:2020-06-24 15:26:10 浏览次数: 【字体:

Dear students:

In accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on prevention and control of infectious diseases,Law of the People's Republic of China on Emergency Response, Regulations on Response to Public Health Emergency. In order to fully implement the arrangements and requirements of the State, Sichuan Province and university for the prevention and control of the epidemic Covid-19, ensure the safety and health of overseas students, and maintain the normal study, work and life order in the school, we hereby inform you that:

1. Students are forbidden to return to university in advance until they have been officially confirmed by the university. Any change of student accommodation place should inform the respective supervisor teacher in advance. Students who do not comply with the university regulations will be notified and criticized according to the actual situation, in accordance with the university epidemic prevention and control office and the relevant provisions of CDUTCM students disciplinary punishment measures;

2. Overseas students should complete the "Health Daily Report" in time to fill in the relevant personal information and daily health status as true and correctly. For those who report late, not report or falsely report health status in the health information will be criticized and get related punishment according to the relevant provisions of the university students disciplinary. No one shall return to school if:

(1) Diagnosed with covid-19, an asymptomatic infected person or a suspected patient;

(2) Close contact with confirmed cases, asymptomatic infected persons and suspected cases within 14 days before returning to university;

(3) Having a history of sojourn in a foreign country (region) or in a high-risk area within 14 days from the date of returning to university;

(4) Have fever (body temperature ≥37.3℃), fatigue, dry cough or other suspected symptoms within 14 days before returning to university, ;

(5) Health condition information is not continuously reported 14 days before the date of returning to university;

(6) Failure to report health status, track and return information before returning to university.

3. Overseas students strictly abide by the epidemic teaching work arrangements, actively participate in online and offline learning, unexplained absenteeism and other violations of teaching order will be dealt in accordance with the "Chengdu University of traditional Chinese Medicine students disciplinary measures”:

(1) Absenteeism accumulative total 5 class hours, give circulated notice of criticism punishment;

(2) Absenteeism accumulative total 15 class hours, give warning punishment

(3) Absenteeism accumulative total 30 class hours, give serious warning punishment;

(4) Absenteeism accumulative total reaches 40 class hours, give demerit record punishment;

(5) Absenteeism accumulative total 55 hours, give academic probation punishment;

(6) Absenteeism accumulated to 70 class hours , give expulsion punishment.

4. Overseas students must comply with the requirements of the university epidemic prevention and control. Before returning to university, comply with the university management, consciously cooperate with the relevant local departments to do a good job of epidemic report, screening and testing etc. Depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, any following acts will be given circulated notice of criticism and above punishment. Any violations of the law will be dealt with the relevant organs accordingly:

(1) Concealing or falsely reporting personal relevant information during the epidemic;

(2) Making up, spreading rumors, forwarding false information, making improper or erroneous statements, causing adverse effects and unnecessary disturbance;

(3) Refuse to quarantine, leave the quarantine place at random without authorization during the quarantine period, violate the epidemic situation prevention and control regulations which caused epidemic situation spread;

(4) To organize or instigate others to obstruct the prevention and control of the epidemic;

(5) Refuse to comply or cooperate with university or local epidemic prevention and control requirements.

5. After returning to university in batches, foreign students should obey the unified management of the university and strictly abide by the regulations on university management, study hard, keep a healthy lifestyle, do a good self prevention and control during the period of epidemic prevention and control. violations of the following acts, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, will be given notice of criticism and above punishment, will be dealt with the relevant organs to deal as according to the law:

(1) leaving University Campus without approval;

(2) Failure to fill in health information as required and failure to correct it after criticism and reminder

(3) Appear fever, dry cough, fatigue and other suspected symptoms, but not truthfully reported;

(4) To organize or instigate others to fight against the university-related epidemic prevention and control measures;

(5) Making up, spreading rumors, forwarding false information, making improper or erroneous statements, causing adverse effects and unnecessary disturbance;

(6) Other violations of epidemic prevention and control requirements.

6. Other acts that violate the regulations of the higher authorities and the university rules and regulations, refer to the relevant regulations and relevant documents during the period of epidemic prevention and control.

7. Foreign students who violate the above regulations will be disqualified from all kinds of awards and scholarships in this academic year.

Other outstanding matters shall be implemented with reference to the Measures for the Management of Student Behaviour and action conduct during the Epidemic period of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

All contents of the guideline is authentic in Chinese, English is for reference only.


Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

International Education College

23 June 2020
