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2001 - 2005            生物工程,工学学士            
2005 - 2012            生态学,理学博士            
2012 - 2013            奥地利维也纳兽医大学群体遗传研究所,博士后            
合作导师:Professor Christian Schl?tterer            
2015 - 2021            中医科学院中药研究所,博士后            




        2013.4 - 2015.12        中国科学院动物研究所 研究助理
        2022.5 -至今                必赢体育app下载,必赢体育 特聘副教授


   冷梁,本草基因组学研究院副院长,进化本草基因组学课题组组长,副教授/硕导。方向为进化本草基因组学,以(共同)一作或通讯在Nature Ecology and Evolution, Nature Communications, Plant Journal, Molecular Ecology, Horticulture Research等杂志发表多篇文章。2012年获中国科学院院长优秀奖。研究兴趣为进化生物学研究手段和路径在本草基因组学中的应用,如新的测序技术手段和分析方法在本草基因组学中的应用;复制(duplication)、结构变异(Structural Variation)、可变剪切(Alternative Splicing)等基本生物学过程及其在药用植物基因组演化中的作用;多组学技术在天然产物和人类基因组GPCR研究中的应用等。



自人类基因组计划提出以来,基因组学就成为近代生物学领域甚至整个科学领域进步最快的学科之一。我们比较早的将三代测序、HiC测序等技术应用于本草基因组学研究中并解析了穿心莲、紫苏、千金藤、远志、柠檬等多种药用植物的基因组,现已基本做到端粒到端粒(Telomere-to-telomere, T2T)以及单倍型解析(haplotype-resolved)水平(Leng et al., NC 2024; Sun et al., PJ 2019; Zhang et al., NC 2021; Meng et al., HR 2023; Yang et al., HR 2024)。我们仍在不断探索最新测序技术和方法在本草基因组中的应用并开展一系列后继工作。

2,复制(duplication)、结构变异(Structural Variation)、可变剪切(Alternative Splicing)等基本生物学过程及其在药用植物基因组演化中的作用

1977年Richard J. Roberts和Phillip A. Sharp发现内含子的存在(该工作于1993年获诺贝尔生理学或医学奖),1978年Walter Gilbert(1980年诺贝尔化学奖得主)即在《Why genes in pieces》一文中提出intron这个词、可变剪切的存在及其与基因复制的关系。我们对duplication、SV和AS相关的一系列问题都有浓厚的兴趣,如SV对复制基因结构的影响(Zhang et al., NEE 2022)、利用三代测序检测AS(Gao et al., ICP 2019; Ma et al., FiPS 2021)、基因注释对AS检测的影响(Liu et al., Planta 2023)等。我们在黄花蒿、马钱等药用植物中继续研究这些基本生物学过程在药用植物基因组演化中的作用。


中药起到疗效的物质基础为次级代谢产物等天然产物,然而天然产物在治疗过程中的细胞靶点基本未知。G蛋白偶联受体为最大的靶点家族,系统性的建立全基因组GPCR受体库并检测天然产物的靶点,有可能厘清中药疗效的机制。我们在前期天然产物抗新冠活性检测工作的基础上(Leng et al., NC 2024),提出了基于生源进化(Evolutionary Chemodiversity, Evo-Chemo)的新药发现途径,以靶点发现为抓手,从天然产物化学多样性进化的角度系统阐述药用植物药效物质基础,通过人工智能(Chen et al., Engineering 2024)等手段分析转录组、代谢组等多组学数据并研究天然产物对人体内通路途径的影响。这是我们接下来的重点方向。


我们前期在种群分化等群体遗传学基本问题(Leng & Zhang, ME 2012/JSE 2013)、模式生物发育生物学(Wei et al., NC 2024)、与疾病相关的人类遗传数据分析(Li et al., NC 2021)等诸多方面有一些工作。这方面的工作偏计算及数据分析,需要整合分子进化、群体遗传学、统计学等学科背景及基因组学、转录组学等多组学分析手段。


Liang Leng#, Zhichao Xu#, Bixia Hong#, Binbin Zhao#, Ya Tian, Can Wang, Lulu Yang, Zhongmei Zou, Lingyu Li, Ke Liu, Wanjun Peng, Jiangning Liu, Zhoujie An, Yalin Wang, Baozhong Duan, Zhigang Hu, Chuan Zheng, Sanyin Zhang, Xiaodong Li, Maochen Li, Zhaoyu Liu, Zenghao Bi, Tianxing He, Baimei Liu, Huahao Fan*, Chi Song*, Yigang Tong*, Shilin Chen*. Cepharanthine analogs mining and genomes of Stephania accelerate anti-coronavirus drug discovery. Nature Communications. 2024 Feb 20;15(1):1537. 第一作者。中科院分区:综合性期刊一区IF: 16.6                

Dan Zhang#, Liang Leng#, Chunyan Chen, Jiawei Huang, Yaqiong Zhang, Hao Yuan, Chenyu Ma, Hua Chen, Yong E. Zhang. Dosage sensitivity and exon shuffling shape the landscape of polymorphic duplicates in Drosophila and humans. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2022, 6(3):273-287. 共同一作中科院分区:生物学一区IF: 16.8                

Yujun Zhang#*, Qi Shen#, Liang Leng#, Dong Zhang, Sha Chen, Yuhua Shi, Zemin Ning, Shilin Chen*. Incipient diploidization of the medicinal plant Perilla within 10,000 years. Nature Communications, 2021, 12(1):5508. 共同一作中科院分区:综合性期刊一区IF: 16.6                

Jiankai Wei#, Wei Zhang#, An Jiang#, Hongzhe Peng#, Quanyong Zhang, Yuting Li, Jianqing Bi, Linting Wang, Penghui Liu, Jing Wang, Yonghang Ge, Liya Zhang, Haiyan Yu, Lei Li, Shi Wang, Liang Leng*, Kai Chen*, Bo Dong*. Temporospatial hierarchy and allele-specific expression of zygotic genome activation revealed by distant interspecific urochordate hybrids. Nature Communications, 2024, 15(1):2395. 共同通讯作者中科院分区:综合性期刊一区IF: 16.6                

Yang H, Wang C, Zhou G, Zhang Y, He T, Yang L, Wu Y, Wang Z, Tang X, Chen G, Liu Z, Tang H, Zhou H, Kang X, Zhang S*, Leng L*, Chen S*, Song C*. A haplotype-resolved gap-free genome assembly provides novel insight into monoterpenoid diversification in Mentha suaveolens ‘Variegata’. Horticulture Research. 2024 Jan 17:uhae022. 共同通讯作者。中科院分区:农林科学一区,IF:8.7                


Sun W#, Leng L#, Yin Q#, Xu M, Huang M, Xu Z, Zhang Y, Yao H, Wang C, Xiong C, Chen S, Jiang C, Xie N, Zheng X, Wang Y, Song C, Peters RJ, Chen SL. The genome of the medicinal plant Andrographis paniculata provides insight into the biosynthesis of the bioactive diterpenoid neoandrographolide. The Plant Journal,  2019, 97(5):841-57. 共同一作中科院分区:生物学一区IF: 7.2                

Leng L & Zhang DX. Measuring population differentiation using GST or D? A simulation study with microsatellite DNA markers under a finite island model and non-equilibrium conditions. Molecular Ecology, 2012, 20:2494-2509. 第一作者中科院分区:生物学一区IF: 4.9                

Fanbo Meng, Tianzhe Chu, Pengmian Feng, Nan Li, Chi Song, Chunjin Li, Liang Leng*, Xiaoming Song*, Wei Chen*. Genome assembly of Polygala tenuifolia provides insights into its karyotype evolution and triterpenoid saponin biosynthesis. Horticulture Research, 2023, 10 (9), uhad139. 共同通讯作者。中科院分区:农林科学一区,IF:8.7                

Leng L & Zhang DX. Time matters: some interesting properties of GST and D overlooked in the equilibrium perspective. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2013, 51:44-60. 第一作者中科院分区:生物学一区IF: 3.7                

Tingyu Ma, Han Gao, Dong Zhang, Wei Sun, Qinggang Yin, Lan Wu, Tianyuan Zhang, Zhichao Xu, Jian He Wei, Yanyan Su, Yuhua Shi, Dandan Ding, Ling Yuan, Gangqiang Dong, Liang Leng*, Li Xiang*, Shilin Chen*. Genome-Wide Analysis of light-regulated alternative splicing in Artemisia annua L. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12:2113. 共同通讯作者中科院分区:生物学二区IF: 5.6                

Zhaoyu Liu, Yupeng Du, Zhihao Sun, Bohan Cheng, Zenghao Bi, Zhicheng Yao, Yuting Liang, Huiling Zhang, Run Yao, Shen Kang, Yuhua Shi, Huihua Wan, Dou Qin, Li Xiang*, Liang Leng*, Shilin Chen*. Manual correction of genome annotation improved alternative splicing identification of Artemisia annua. Planta, 2023, 258 (4), 1-14. 共同通讯作者中科院分区:生物学二区IF: 4.3                

Zhang Q, Zhang X, Liu J, Mao C, Chen S, Zhang Y, Leng L*. Identification of copy number variation and population analysis of the sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera). Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 2020, 2:2037-2044. 通讯作者中科院分区:工程技术四区IF: 1.6                

Wei Chen, Chi Song, Liang Leng, Sanyin Zhang, Shilin Chen.The Application of Artificial Intelligence Accelerates G Protein-Coupled Receptor Ligand Discovery. Engineering, 2024,32(1):19-29. 中科院分区:工程技术一区IF: 12.8                

Li W, Gu X, Liu C, Shi Y, Wang P, Zhang N, Wu R, Leng L, Xie B, Song C, Li M. A synergetic effect of BARD1 mutations on tumorigenesis. Nature Communications. 2021, 12(1):1243. 中科院分区:综合性期刊一区IF: 16.6                

Tan SJ, Cardoso-Moreira M, Shi WW, Zhang D, Huang JW, Mao YN, Jia HX, Zhang YQ, Chen CY, Shao Y, Leng L, Liu ZH, Huang X, Long MY, Zhang YE. LTR-mediated retroposition as a mechanism of RNA-based duplication in metazoans. Genome Research, 2016, 26:1663-1675. 中科院分区:生物学一区IF: 7.0                

Pei Y, Leng L, Sun W, et al. Whole-genome sequencing in medicinal plants: current progress and prospect. Sci China Life Sci. 2024;67(2):258-273. 中科院分区:生物学IF: 9.1                

Ji YJ, Leng L, Shi CM, Hua YP, Zhang DX. Eight polymorphic microsatellite markers developed in the Chinese scorpion Mesobuthus martensii (Scorpiones:Buthidae). Molecular Ecology Resources, 2008, 8:1454-1456. 中科院分区:生物学一区IF: 7.7                

Wang X, Wu L, Xiang L, Gao R, Yin Q, Wang M, Liu Z, Leng L, Su Y, Wan H, Ma T, Chen S, Shi Y. Promoter variations in DBR2-like affect artemisinin production in different chemotypes of Artemisia annua. Horticulture Research, 2023 Aug 16;10(9):uhad164. 中科院分区:农林科学一区,IF:8.7                

Yuetong Yu, Yan Liu, Gangqiang Dong, JinZhu Jiang, Liang Leng, XianJu Liu, Jun Zhang, An Liu*, Sha Chen*, Functional characterization and key residues engineering of a regiopromiscuity O-methyltransferase involved in benzylisoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis in Nelumbo nucifera, Horticulture Research, Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2023, uhac276 中科院分区:农林科学一区,IF:8.7                

Gao H, Li F, Xu Z, Huang C, Xiong C, Jiang C, Xie N, Leng L, Zhang Y, Yousaf Z, Liu X, Sun W. Genome-wide analysis of methyl jasmonate-regulated isoform expression in the medicinal plant Andrographis paniculata. Industrial Crops and Products, 2019, 135:39-48. 中科院分区:农林科学一区IF: 5.9                

Shi CM, Huang ZS, Wang L, He LJ, Hua YP, Leng L, Zhang DX. Geographical distribution of two species of Mesobuthus (Scorpiones: Buthidae) in China: Insights from systematic field survey and predictive models. Journal of Arachnology, 2007, 35:215-226. 中科院分区:农林科学三区IF: 1.0                

Sun W, Wang B, Yang J, Wang WH, Liu A, Leng L, Xiang L, Song C, Chen SL. Weighted gene co-expression network analysis of the dioscin rich medicinal plant Dioscorea nipponica. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8:789. 中科院分区:生物学二区IF: 5.6                

Jing Liu, Liang Leng, Yan Liu, Han Gao, Wei Yang, Sha Chen, An Liu. Identification and quantification of target metabolites combined with transcriptome of two rheum species focused on anthraquinone and flavonoids biosynthesis. Scientific Reports. 2020, 10:20241. 中科院分区:综合性期刊三区IF: 4.6                
